Representative | Organization name | Institution | Country | Address | City | Phone | Tags |
Georg Bareth | Department of Physical Geography | Geographisches Institut der Universität zu Köln | Germany | Albertus-Magnus-Platz 50923 | Köln | +49 221 470 6552 | EARSeL Laboratory member |
Véronique Carrere | Laboratoire de Planétologie et Géodynamique de Nantes | Université de Nantes | France | UFR Sciences et Techniques BP 92208 - 2 rue de la Houssiničre 44322 | Nantes | +33 2 51 12 52 67 | EARSeL Laboratory member |
José Luis Casanova | Laboratorio de Teledeteccion at Departamento de Fisica Aplicada | Facultad de Ciencias of Universidad de Valladolid | Spain | Edificio I+D, Paseo de Belén, 11 47011 | Valladolid | +34 983 184377 | EARSeL Laboratory member |
Dirk Tiede | Research Group Object-based Image Analysis at Department of Geoinformatics | University of Salzburg | Austria | Schillerstr. 30 5020 | Salzburg | +43 0 662 8044 7510 | EARSeL Laboratory member |
Stefan Lang | Research Group Object-based Image Analysis at Department of Geoinformatics | University of Salzburg | Austria | Schillerstr. 30 5020 | Salzburg | +43 0 662 8044 7510 | EARSeL Laboratory member |
Maurizio Longo | Remote Sensing Laboratory for Environmental Hazard Monitoring at Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile | Universitŕ degli Studi di Salerno | Italy | Via Ponto don Melillo 84084 | Fisciano | +39 089 96 4291 | EARSeL Laboratory member |
Johann Bodechtel | Ludwig Maximilians Universitaet | Ludwig Maximilians Universitaet | Germany | Am Pfaffengraben 1 82031 | Grünwald | +49 89 5203 222 | EARSeL Laboratory member |
Oscar Chic Giménez | Institut de Ciències del Mar | Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas | Spain | Passeig Maritim, 37-49 08003 | +34 93 230 95 29 | EARSeL Laboratory member | |
Barbara Kosztra | FÖMI Remote Sensing Centre | FÖMI Remote Sensing Centre | Hungary | Bosnyak tér, 5 1149 | Budapest | +36 1 460 4175 | EARSeL Council / National representative |
M. Kappas | Department of Cartography and GIS and Remote Sensing | University of Goettingen | Germany | Goldschmidt Str. 5 37077 | Goettingen | +49 0551 398071 | EARSeL Laboratory member |