Representative | Organization name | Institution | Country | Address | City | Phone | Tags |
Anita Simic Milas | G-ECO Research | G-ECO Research | Canada | EARSeL Laboratory member | |||
Konstantinos Nikolakopoulos | Sector of Applied Geology and Geophysics at Department of Geology | University of Patras | Greece | University Campus 26504 Rio | Patras | +30 2610 997592 | SIG Geological Applications |
Zhenhong Li | School of Civil Engineering and Geosciences | Newcastle University | United Kingdom | NE1 7RU | Newcastle upon Tyne | +44 191 208 5704 | SIG Radar Remote Sensing |
Elias Symeonakis | Remote Sensing Group | Manchester Metropolitan University | United Kingdom | John Dalton Building Chester Street M1 5GD | Manchester | +44 161 247 1587 | EARSeL Laboratory member |
Thomas Higginbottom | Remote Sensing Group | Manchester Metropolitan University | United Kingdom | John Dalton Building Chester Street M1 5GD | Manchester | +44 161 247 1587 | EARSeL Laboratory member |
Lukasz Slawik | MGGP Aero | MGGP Aero | Poland | Slowackiego 33-37 33-100 | Tarnow | +48 600 962 910 | EARSeL Laboratory member |
Arnt Kristian Gjertsen | Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research | Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research | Norway | Postboks 115 1431 | +47 64948000 | EARSeL Laboratory member | |
Christian Rogaß | Section 1.4 Remote Sensing | Helmholtz Centre Potsdam GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences | Germany | Telegrafenberg 14473 | Potsdam | +49 3312881820 | SIG Geological Applications |
Piotr Wężyk | Laboratory of Geomatics at Institute of Forest Resource Management Faculty of Forestry | University of Agriculture in Krakow | Poland | al. 29 listopada 46 31-425 | Krakow | +48 12 662 50 82 | SIG Forestry |
Richard Armitage | Geography and Environmental Management | School of Environment and Life Sciences | United Kingdom | Room 325, Peel Building M5 4WT | Salford | +44 (0)161 295 5646 | EARSeL Council / National representative |